The Association INTERACTIONS, COMPLEX PHENOMENA AND ADVANCED MATERIALS SOCIETY (hereinafter called ICPAMS) is a juridic person of private law without patrimonial purpose that develops its activity according to applicable Romanian low (Ordinance on associations and foundations no.26/2000, with subsequent completions and amendments). The following members of the Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Research Center in Condensed Matter Physics-TERA2CMP, from Faculty of Physics of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, by mutual agreement, decided in 2020 the establishment of an association under the Romanian law, to put together without the right of restitution the material contribution, the knowledge, and the work contribution to achieve the association’s purpose: Felicia – Dacia IACOMI, Liviu LEONTIE, Diana – Mihaela MARDARE, Sebastian – Dumitru POPESCU, George – Mihail RUSU, Florin BRÎNZĂ, Silviu GURLUI, Daniel RADU, Cristian – Ionuț STELEA.
The aim of ICPAMS consists in cultivating professional ties between the members of Romanian research teams involved in the field of interactions, complex phenomena, and advanced materials and of other similar research teams from other countries all around the world in order to increase the efficiency of research, the social international bonds, to systematize, disseminate and transmit information related to the experience and potential possibilities of individual scientists, scientific groups and companies involved in various aspects of research areas, to promote interdisciplinary communication and cooperation in scientific research, to develop technologies and products, to participate actively in the training of young scientists. ICPAMS organizes, co-organizes, sponsors or co-sponsors numerous scientific events (ICPAM-13; PAMS-4) and meetings.
ICPAMS Objectives:
a) To cooperate with authorities, public institutions and any other legal entities or individuals to achieve the intended purpose.
b) To establish and develop relations of cooperation with international organizations, associations, clubs and federations in the Romania and other countries, as well as with other partners – individuals and legal entities having the same purpose.
c) To support by all moral means (logistic, management) and where is possible, material means, any activities or actions that are aimed at achieving the intended purpose.
d) To provide continuous education of young scientists and students through the organization and sponsorship of symposia, topical conferences, summer schools, workshops, and exhibits.
e) To promote student’s participation in international, national, and local scientific and technological activities by travel grants, support of science fairs and competitions, and other appropriate measures.
f) To recognize excellence in the field through awards.
g) To support and promote projects.
h) To have publications in the field of interactions, complex phenomena, condensed matter and advanced materials physics.
i) To carry out activities, the aim of which is to increase the impact of the research in the field of global research.
Other information
Number in the National NGO Registry (“Asociatii” file): 1405/A/2020.
Fiscal Identification Code: 43220697.
Our legal statutes can be read here (only in Romanian).