Matthias Driess studied Chemistry and Philosophy of Science at the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg where he also received his PhD in 1988. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, U.S.A., before finishing his habilitation at the University of Heidelberg in 1993. From 1996 he was appointed as full-professor for Inorganic Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum, and since 2004 he holds a chair for organometallic chemistry and inorganic materials at the Department of Chemistry of the Technical University Berlin. He served as spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence UniCat from 2007-2019, is director of the UniCat-BASF joint lab BasCat and scientific director of Chemical Invention Factory CIF, a pre-start up center for entrepreneurs. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the European Academy of Sciences and has published more than 440 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.
His research is focussing on functional organometallic chemistry of earth abundant elements, energy material science and technology, photoelectrocatalysts, artificial fuels, chemical energy storage and circular chemistry.
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Chemistry Award of the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in1997
Otto Klung Award for Chemistry in 2000
Alfred Stock Memorial Prize of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker in 2010
Wacker Silicone Award in 2011.